Friday, December 24, 2010

Jumelle Jumelle...Sabrina & Paulina, Köln

Grey Woven Coat Women Winter

Jummelle Jummelle Street Style Köln

Last week I shot the lovely girls of Jumelle Jumelle. One of my favorite blogs when it comes to great outfit photos. After the shoot we went to a café and talked about blogs and fashion.

Describe your personal style…

We both share a preference for a romantic, flowery style contrasted with clean, clear-cut shapes and a touch of vintage. Yet even though we have a very similar taste in clothes, we somehow never get in each other‘s way when shopping - we always end up buying different things...

Source of inspiration?

Old pictures and movies, our mothers‘ clothes from past decades and other bloggers.

Style icons?

Chloë Sevigny, Alexa Chung, Mary-Kate Olsen, Carey Mulligan.

Any fashion rules?

Number 1: In case of doubt: better buy the larger size. 

Number 2: Don‘t overdress in everyday life! Make use of contrasts: when you‘re wearing a miniskirt, pick the Biker Boots over of the Stilettos
Number 3: Clichéd advice but so true: Always wear what you like and what actually suits you, don‘t follow fashion trends blindly.

Most underrated item in womenswear?

Pockets! How awesome are pockets on skirts and dresses?! Pretty and practical.

Favorite stores in Cologne?

We mostly go shopping on a street called Ehrenstraße. You can find stylish little stores like Le Shop, but also Weekday, American Apparel, COS and of course the classics - H&M and Zara. There are also a lot of very cute and unique shops in the so called Belgian Quarter (Belgisches Viertel).

Thoughts about style and fashion in Cologne…

People in Cologne are very down-to-earth and open-minded which is definitely reflected in the way they dress. You don‘t see that many chic, overly dressy people - a more casual style prevails. What we like most about Cologne is that it‘s a city where you can wear anything you feel like and don‘t have to worry about getting pointed at. People are very uncomplicated and hardly judgemental.

Zara Winter Coat 2010

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1 comment:

Lea said...

was für ein megacooler blog mit megacoolen mädchen und jungens!