Saturday, October 8, 2011

At Fashion Week..."The Others", Milan, Paris

Ok...I don't want to judge the quality of the photos many photographers take during Fashion Week, but it's not easy to create great images while minimum two people waiting with their camera behind you, using your setting for their "snaps" and asking EVERY person what brands they are wearing. Ok I understand, for most of them it's just a job, but this can be sometimes annoying. Nevertheless, I like the competition...I just have to mention the "battles" with Mr. Newton...haha...Finally, thanks to the models posing for everyone!

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Seitenstraße said...

Gegenschuss!!! Super photos...

Low said...

Great post!!! And yes, they´re always "forgotten"!
Finally the backstage comes out!

Mademoiselle Marie, Street Style said...

i love the second pic!