When exploring a foreign city I love to hang out with locals. Therefore, I met Sarah while I was in Copenhagen last week. We took a stroll, drunk coffee, I shot some photos and she showed me the best places. The most remarkable moment was, when she helped me translating for getting the photo of Gunnar. This was a great moment Sarah, wasn't it!? ;-) Now enjoy her thoughts about fashion, style and ideas for finding the best places in the Danish capital.
Read and follow her blog Framboise Fashion here!
Describe your personal style.
The best way to describe it would be calling it versatile, as my style differs from one day to another. I'm always inspired by different things when I choose what to wear, not just one type of style. I mix and match a lot and love to try new things, however I do quite often repeat myself wearing a classic buttoned up shirt with a blazer.
Source of inspiration.
Basically, my inspiration comes from everywhere. From the enormous amount of fashion blogs to some person walking on the street. I like to challenge myself and try not to find inspiration just in the same places. I really love photography as well, and I'm inspired by all sorts of things like city places and different textures in nature.
Style icons.
My style icons always change, but I really like the way Alexa Chung and Chloé Sevigny dress. They are good at mixing both feminine and masculine elements making it look laid back but they manage to keep it chic.
Why did you decide to become a fashion blogger?
It was really spontaneous, actually. One of my friends had shortly before I started my blog introduced me to blogging. Suddenly I thought I'd just give it a try, and that's basically it. Now it has almost become an addiction - I never leave the house without my camera and I really enjoy working on my blog.
Any fashion rules?
My only fashion rule is: no fashion rules! I find dressing much more interesting and intriguing if we don't think in rules, but just that anything is allowed. Not that everything works together, but when all comes to all, fashion is just meant to be fun. Elsewise we all end up wearing the same things.
What's the favorite piece in your closet and which piece would you really like to own?
I have a thing for silk shirts and I have a really large collection of silk shirts in all sorts of colours. I always try to find them at flea markets and thrift stores. I would really like to own the cats eye sunglasses by Ellery, but unfortunately they are way over my budget!
Most underrated item in womenswear?
The most underrated item or items in womenswear, would probably have to be socks and stockings. No one really pays attention to it (I can include myself to this group most of the time), but brands such as Sneaky Fox and Emilie Cavallini make it an art.

Favorite stores in Copenhagen?

Favorite stores in Copenhagen?
I don't have any particular favorite store, but there are so many great places to go! One of them is HAY House (Pilestræde 29) which is a store where you can buy nice and funny things for your home.
Favorite vintage stores in Copenhagen?
Favorite vintage stores in Copenhagen?
Copenhagen is really great when it comes to vintage. My personal favorites are the local thrift stores, where the money you spend on your fashionable finds go to a good cause. But if you travel to Copenhagen, make sure to check out Studiestræde, where you'll find vintage stores like København K (Studiestræde 32 b) and Wasteland (Studiestræde 5) and Larsbjørnsstræde where you'll find a vintage girl's heaven in a shop called FN92 (Larsbjørnsstræde 6).
Best Shopping Area?
On Strøget (the main shoppingstreet) you'll pretty much find everything. My favorite part of Strøget is Østergade, where you can find Topshop, Urban Outfitters, COS and Magasin.
Favorite place in Copenhagen?
I absolutely love Kongens Nytorv, especially up to Christmas. The whole square changes in to a beautiful nordic winter wonderland; the trees are adorned with light chains and they lay ice for skating - it's truly magical. In summer it's just a great place to sit on a café corner or relax at Nyhavn.

Favorite place to have a night out?
I actually don't go out in Copenhagen that much, but when I go out with my friends in the weekend it's mostly to cafés like The Livingroom (Larsbjørnsstræde 17), who are open at night as well, where there's a really cozy and intimate atmosphere.
Favorite café in your neighbourhood?
Copenhagen is rich with lovely cafés, so it's very difficult to choose! I really like ricco's, which is a café located at many places in Copenhagen, but they make really good coffee! The Log Lady in Studiestræde is definitely also worth a visit!
Best place to eat?
Restaurant Firefly (Frederiksborggade 26). It's biological, vegan and they also have a raw-food menu. I love this food, and I can't believe that it's actually healthy!
Which tips would you give someone who wants to visit Copenhagen?
Go to the small streets in the center of town, not just Strøget, which is the main shopping street. You will discover amazing small boutiques with all sorts of interesting things not to mention all the amazing cafés.
Question for the next interview:
How did you get into fashion?

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She is so beautiful. And you took lovely pictures of her! Great blog. XO Lilly from Hamburg
xx Michaela
wow, she is really beautiful. I'm looking forward to looking at her blog. If you ever have time, I would LOVE to know what you think of my new personal style blog. www.brightontheday.com
I like her sense of fashion! She's really beautiful indeed...
Thanks for a lovely day! This was so much fun and I too loved the moment with Gunnar. Look forward to seeing you next time :)
amazing choice of color combinations...
die bilder sind wunderschön geworden *neid*
liebe grüße, phin
I didn't know this blogger before!
She looks nice, and her style is cool!
Thanks for sharing!
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