I met Anna last weekend while I was in Hamburg. If you want to find out more about her just visit her blog.
Describe your personal style…
When it comes to my style I guess I am in my early stages. I love to wear colours and patterns and because my style is not so straightforward I try out a lot of different things.
Source of inspiration?
I love to be inspired by the people on the street. I mean, there are many well-dressed people out there.
Style icons?
Fran Fine and my grandma. Fran Fine because in terms of clothes she is like me made up to the eyeballs every morning. And my grandma because she has that natural coolness. At the age of 70 she dresses up every day although she lives in a small village in Kazakhstan.
Any fashion rules?
The most important thing in my life is to follow no rules. But maybe rules are good for people who have no knack for fashion.

Favorite stores in Hamburg?
Luckily we have some great vintage stores in Hamburg.
Max-Brauer-Allee 174
22765 Hamburg
Paul-Roosen-Straße 16
22767 Hamburg
Marktstr. 17
20357 Hamburg
Neuer Kamp 19
20359 Hamburg
Favorite place in Hamburg?
The centre of my life is St. Pauli and the harbor. That’s why my favorite places are Park Fiction, Fischmarkt and Elbstrand.
Favorite place to have a night out?
I don’t go out a lot. But to my mind the best places are the Datscha Parties, Ego, Hamburger Berg and Pudel.
Favorite café in your neighbourhood?

Ein tolles farbenfrohes Outfit das sofort gute Laune beim Anschauen verbreitet :)
♥ Verena-Annabella
Neben Frau Wegelin auf einer Seite abgelichtet zu sein ist mir aber eine Ehre!
Ich bin ein großer Fan von Ihren farbenfrohen Designs :-)
Toll, dass du die Chance hattest sie zu treffen.
Awesome style..love her bag..the interview is really good..I so love that one of her style icons is Fran Fine!
The Black Label
niemanden steht rot so gut wie der lieben anna!
she is awesome
love Anna!
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